Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well it's been a while since I posted but not much has changed. I'm now semi-unemployed. I'm working part time cashiering for peanuts. I'm still looking for a full time good paying job. But those are hard to come by these days. The unemployment rate is at record highs. More people are losing their jobs than jobs are being created. Some panel announced yesterday officially we're in a recession and have been since Dec 2007. No shit. Anyone who's been paying attention for the last year could have told them this.

We have tickets to see TSO Sunday afternoon. I can't wait! This is going to be a great show. Kylee's excited too. Greg will be up north hunting so I'm going to ask his mom to go. I have to work Sat night until midnight but the show isn't until 3 pm Sunday. I will also have to put in for time off on the 19th & 20th so we can still go downtown to the Hilton. I have enough points for a free night so Greg & I are taking the girls downtown for the night to see the HoliDazzle Parade and see Macy's Christmas Display. Hopefully we will have time & money to go to The Melting Pot to eat sometime while we're there.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doin' my Happy Dance

I have a renewed belief in America right now. We just made history in electing our first African American to the presidency and I couldn't be more proud. People looked past race and saw a man who can lead us to a better tomorrow. I can't even describe how I feel. I'm jubilant and I'm exhausted. I have a new sense of optimism. And a brighter outlook for the future. This election tells every kid in America that no matter who they are, where they come from they too could be president someday. Now if we could just get rid of Coleman but he's still ahead by about 5500 votes. Believe it or not the stupid people in the 6th district are about to vote back in Michele Bachmann. At least she'll be a minority in the house. She can get shot down easily enough. And the comedians will have lots of material to work with.


McCain wins this election I will be physically sick. I will be left to wonder why? Why are there so many ignorant people out there? I'm stressed out waiting for the results. We need to get a Dem in office so badly. The Repubs have decimated this country with Dubya leading the charge. Now his approval rating is the lowest in history at 28%. That's something to be real proud of. His legacy will be the worst president in history. But putting McCain in there will just continue those policies. And Palin is a loose cannon to be sure. I just can't stand the thought of that arrogant bitch being VP. One step away from President. That sickens me. I shouldn't watch returns but it's like a train wreck - you can't help but watch.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm excitedly waiting to do the happy dance on Wednesday morning! I think I feel like many people in this country that can't wait until Barack takes the reigns. I will be glued to my TV on Tuesday evening watching returns. I'm really excited about this election and I hope that there aren't any glitches. I know they are expecting record turnout. Long lines are anticipated. I hope that people don't get discouraged and not wait. Absentee voting is at record levels already. The election isn't over until the 'old fart and barbie' sing. I really want to watch Palin go down in flames. Self-righteous bitch. I feel bad for McCain. I used to think he was a pretty good guy but this election has brought out his true nasty self. Get out and VOTE! It's your American right and duty!

Obama / Biden '08

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a very sad day. My son moved to Idaho today. Just up and moved. It would be one thing if he'd moved across town but he moved across the COUNTRY! He's never lived more than 10 miles from me. I'm not sure how I feel about it. He never really talked about it with me. He just said he was going and he went. He's sitting at the MSP International Airport right now waiting for his flight. He didn't ask me to take him to the airport but I think that would have been really tough on both of us. He's going to Nampa, a town west of Boise. I don't know who he's going out there to live with. He says he has a buddy there but then I heard from one of his friends that there's a girl out there too. I hope he's not going for the wrong reasons. But he's 21 and it's his life. He knows he can move home if he needs to. The first thing he needs to do is get a job out there. No one will let him live for free. He will discover the same problems he had here will be there. He moved in one duffel bag and one small carry on. Kind of sad that everything he has that he values fit into two bags. Basically he took clothes and his movies. That's it. Talk about starting fresh. I will miss him terribly but I won't miss his asking for money I don't have. I have to admit it's pretty gutsy. I don't know if I could have moved that far away from my family. I hope he stays safe. I know he doesn't use his head all the time. I think I'll sit here quietly for a while and contemplate life's changes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Monday

It was a busy weekend for sure. Friday night Laura and I sat around until all hours drinking wine and laughing. Greg was tired and fell asleep & Josh had to work Saturday so he went to bed early. Boys. They're no fun sometimes. Saturday Greg picked up Kylee and we all went pumpkin shopping. It was a gorgeous day. Hung around the house all day and went out for chinese for dinner. Sunday we picked up Tatum. What a change! It was windy, cold and SNOWING! Greg made breakfast and then everyone carved pumpkins. The kids did a great job and made some wonderful jack-o-lanterns. Tatum didn't want to go home and declared she needs more 'dad time'. I wish it was possible for them to stay overnight on school nights but with Greg's work schedule it just can't be done right now. At least we have fun filled weekends when they are with him.